Our Courses

How is English Literature taught here?

* Reading habit – the more students are involved in reading literature, the more interested they become.

* Discussion on poets/ authors/ playwrights relevant to text.

*Focusing on key words while framing answers.

*Special emphasis on correct spellings & tense while writing answers.

*Audio visual aids to encourage teaching & learning process.

How is English Language taught here?

* Detailed explanation and intensive practise of Grammar exercises for better understanding.

* Composition writing / types of composition; Comprehension, Letter Writing, Notice & E mail writing, Report & Review – discussion on the topic, making correct choice, preparing an outline, framing correct sentences, proper use of vocabulary are thoroughly explained.

* Test Papers are solved to make the students confident during examinations.

Communicative English

Communicative English includes Written Communication, Spoken Communication, Understanding Communication and Business Communication. The person with the best marks is not necessarily the person who is likely to climb the corporate ladder to success. Communicative English focuses on communication skills which are becoming increasingly important in our contemporary world as the nature of work is changing rapidly.

Motivational Classes

A teacher should have faith in the inherent potentialities of each and every student, for the ‘Atman’ (Self) is lodged in the heart of every creature. As Shri Ramakrishna said, “As long I live, so long do I learn.” Motivation helps an individual to overcome his/ her weaknesses; stimulates the students to think rationally; discourages negativity. The Vedas warn us: “Those who defame others are themselves defamed.” In Samvid – back to the roots, the students are motivated to be positive even in adversities as William Shakespeare said, “Sweet are the uses of adversity.” Here the students are motivated to be ‘human in the true sense.’